Vehicle Toys - Items tagged as "Wood"

Vehicle toys have long held the imaginations of toddlers and kids alike. Whether you’re gifting a new truck to your son, getting your granddaughter a new train set, or just stocking your babysitting bag full of vehicles for a night of transportation fun, Amish Toy Box has just the wooden toy for you.

All of our vehicle toys are made of sturdy wood and constructed to last for hours-long play sessions. The fine craftsmanship of the Amish builders who make these toys is guaranteed to bring fun to your family for generations to come. With child-safe, non-toxic finishes on each vehicle, you can rest easy knowing that your child is safe as they play with their new toy. 

We pride ourselves on providing a diverse list of vehicle toys that your little one can enjoy. We have everything your child could want, including:

Trucks – From a classic pick-up truck to specialized dump trucks and firetrucks, your child can thoroughly enjoy having their very own truck to roll around and operate.

Construction Vehicles – What child doesn’t love to pretend they're working at an important construction site? With skid loaders, bulldozers, and forklifts, your kid will enjoy hours spent moving around their imaginary loads. 

Trains – Nothing captures the interest of children quite like a toy train. With a variety of shapes, sizes, and train types, we have the perfect wooden toy train for every child.

Planes – Transportation hasn’t just remained on the ground. Wooden vehicle toys have expanded to include air travel as well! Our airplane toys are guaranteed to delight any child who’s got their head in the clouds.

View all 24" train 6 abc train amish amish made amish toy amish toy box amish toy train amish toys amish train baby backhoe backhoe truck barrel big bull dozer bull dozer toy bull dozer truck bulldozer bulldozer toy bulldozer truck bus toy car carrier cars child safe children chopper coin digger driver dump truck dumping bed elevator equipment trailer toy excavator excavator truck farm toy farm toys farming toy farming toys fire firetruck flatbed trailer flight fly flying forklift forks freight train hay hay baling toy helicopter horse & buggy horse trailer toy industrial toy kids ladder truck large large truck letter train little people livestock trailer toy moving bucket name train non toxic non toxic usa made oil truck penny bank petroleum pickup pickup and skidloader pickup truck pickup truck toy pickup with trailer piggy bank play propeller ramp rotating school school bus toy semi semi truck semi truck with trailer set skid loader skid steer skidloader toy small tanker toy bus toy school bus toy skid steer toy skidloader toy train toys trailer toy train train toy truck truck and trailer set truck bulldozer trailer truck toy truck with backhoe truck with bulldozer trucks usa made warehouse wood wood toy wood train wood train toy wooden flatbed trailer wooden gooseneck trailer wooden livestock trailer toy wooden skidloader wooden toy wooden toy gooseneck trailer wooden toy horse trailer wooden toy skidloader wooden toy truck wooden toys wooden trailer toy wooden train wooden truck wooden trucks yellow